Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas Teen Vogue Photo Shoot Behind The Scenes

Monday, June 28, 2010

Demi and Joe in a 'Teen Vogue' Interview

They’re both talented, good-looking, and famous, but Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato don’t exactly have the world on a string: Simpler pleasures, of the sort afforded to other kids their age, sometimes elude them. Earlier this year, when the Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam costars decided to test the romantic possibilities of their rock-solid friendship, they felt compelled to do so in public; when they broke up just a few months later, Joe announced it by issuing a statement, and Demi—always true to her loyal fans—decided to confirm the details on Twitter.

“I kind of learned throughout this whole experience that having my private life public isn’t as awesome as it might seem,” the seventeen-year-old says with a rueful little laugh.

Even the process of scheduling their pre-split sit-down with Teen Vogue, for example—at which the then-couple agreed to interview each other—was complicated by their inability to appear together without risking mass hysteria.

But for the most part, they seem to be fairly at ease with all the attention: After a daylong press junket, Demi’s famous laugh is still as loud as ever, and Joe, 20, is chipper and ready to chat. (Naturally, they were more subdued when they spoke to Teen Vogue again after their breakup, but more on that in a bit.)

Demi Lovato: What’s your favorite thing about me?
Joe Jonas: Do you really want me to answer that? Why don’t you tell me: On set, what was your favorite snack? Because I think I already know.
Demi Lovato: The tomato-cheese quesadillas. Do you remember those? They were so good. What did you think it was?
Joe Jonas: Cheese sticks.
Demi Lovato: We didn’t have cheese sticks!
Joe Jonas: Well, for some reason, I imagine you eating a lot of cheese sticks.
Demi Lovato: [Laughs] Thanks.
Joe Jonas: They just seem like something you would like